Laney Isgett | Apr 25-26, 2020 Modern Samurai Project 2 day Red Dot Instructor Course
Shootlogic, Reevesville, SC
April 25/26
Class break down: Mil, LE, Industry professionals, and one civilian with a comp shooting background
Equipment breakdown: mostly OWB gamer and duty style rigs, 2 appendix concealed rig
Firearm breakdown: 1 STI Staccato, 1 Canik TP9, 1 Walther Q5 Steel frame, 1 Sig 320, 1 Zev OZ9, and 10 various Glocks, most 9mm, one .40SW
Red dots: mostly RMRs and DPPs, 3 Holosun 507c, 1 Holosun 509
Round count: right under 1k
I shot my Staccato P 4.4” 9mm, with a Holosun 507c in a Veil Solutions holster, Esstac pouches and a Ronin Tactic Senshi belt. Ammunition was primarily S&B and Blazer Brass 115gr, then mystery coated rounds on day 2.
Gun had not been cleaned since the Keller class in February, didn’t lube it on day one until towards the end of the day it started getting sluggish and having stovepipes. Slip2000 applied, no more issue aside from ammunition related issued day 2.
Coming into this class, I am very new to the red dot on a pistol. I have only had this setup since January, and only shot one class with it. I initially was not having issues finding the dot, but keeping it on target during consistent fire was an issue. So why would a guy new to the dot go to an instructor level class? Well that’s simple, it was the closest class that worked, and also I completely forgot it was an instructor course.
Day 1:
Day one started in the classroom, a long introduction and discussion on what we were looking for in reference to the dot, and being able to teach the dot to others. We discussed the different options as far as dots, equipment, dot size, open vs closed emitter, and the use of dots in a civilian vs an LE role.
Moved outside to the range, zeroed at 10yd, then confirmed zero at 25yd, emphasis was placed on the small amount of variation between a 10yd and a 25yd zero.
Scott started working us up on the draw in relation to finding the dot quickly. Emphasis on grip and thumb placement. Scott teaches a support hand prominent, thumb up and out the way style grip, as well as emphasizes the importance of the pinky when it comes to a proper grip. I was initially attempting a thumbs forward type grip, with equal pressure for strong and support hand, I had learned from Bob Vogel during his pistol course, Scott had me use 90% support, 10% strong, as well as changing my thumb placement, and it was night and day difference.
The importance of doing things soon, vs doing them faster where emphasized, for example, getting the gun into position sooner, instead of rushing to get there faster, makes for a more reliable draw and presentation.
Day one consisted of a lot of different drills, from the 3yd line out to the 25yd line. Day ended on a heads up “king of the hill” type drill, 25yd single draw and fire at steel. I won, no big deal. HAHA. Some of us ended the day shooting his Black Belt patch standards, only one got close, but dropped it at the 25yd.

Day 2:
Day two we hit the ground running, concentrated most of the day on the instruction side of the class, this being an instructor level class. We learned how to diagnose a shooters issues by watching the gun, and where they are hitting on the target. We partnered up and diagnosed our partners shooting during each of the drills. We also concentrated on recoil management and how to keep the dot throughout the entire recoil process to allow for fast and accurate follow up shots. Every drill was practiced, attempted, and then put to the shot timer.
The day ended with attempting the Black Belt standards, on day two everyone has to do it, no one got it. The instructor level class doesn’t have the competition stage at the end like a normal class.
After cleanup, we wrapped up with an hour long debrief and parted ways.
Overall I will say that Scott is a phenomenal instructor and has raised the bar on what I expect from paid classes from this point on. Not only am I confident in my use of the dot, enough so to start carrying it, but all of the lessons and tips, with the exception of one, can be carried over to iron sights, improving my abilities with my duty gun until the day comes where the sheriff lets us jump on the red dot train.