July 25th-26th 2020 | Jeffrey M.
Carbine Employment taught by Steve Fisher of Sentinel Concepts
Alliance Police Training Facility – Alliance Ohio
Overview; The flagship course where students who are familiar with their rifles. ,This class is geared toward those looking outside the basic classes. novice to the experienced shooters, looking to tune up their carbine skills. at this level we expect students to have an understanding of weapon manipulation and most importantly muzzle awareness and safety. This course balances the speed and accuracy requirements many seek. There is heavy emphasis on accuracy and timed standards and weapons flow (this course can and will be tailored up to the skill levels of students attending as needed)

This was a great 2 day class at the Alliance Police Range in Ohio…HIGHLY RECCOMEND!
We had a small class…six students…the other five were civilians and I am a LEO from Middle Tennessee. Steve’s content and style of instruction was applicable to everyone in the class. Steve is a great instructor, who gets his information across quickly and he demos all the same drills you do as a student.
We started out in the classroom for a basic in brief and safety brief. He then went over some sling and rifle basics then it was out to the range. Steve is all about accuracy and well regulated speed “Not Ricky Bobby Fast!” His accuracy standard is the B8 target, 9 ring and in (5 inches). Which you will see a lot over the next two days. He talked about the higher mount for optics (1.93”) and his preference for slings, not single mount, and how to you can use your hand to pull to create tension.
The range started out with a good hard zero, 5 round groups at 50 yards for Irons and RDS. He stressed that we need to take our time getting a good zero and that we needed to recheck it every time we shoot. Steve stressed “Visual Patience”. If the shot is not there don’t take it and the accountability for every shot that you take. The main topics he went over this weekend were; Mounting the rifle Malfunctions (easer ways to fix double feeds) Lots of B8 Drills to hold us accountable for each shot fired Knelling different types and why to use them Lots of work going from Standing to Kneeling to Standing Sling work to figure out how each person can get the most out of there slings Shooting at a distance and how lighting affects your sights We ended the weekend with a series of drills to confirm what we had learned.
It was well worth the time and money invested, and I am looking forward to my next class with Steve!